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From our very first race, in addition to "FUN," Pacific Cup has been all about helping and supporting our racers accomplish a safe, swift, and competitive crossing to Hawaii.

Seminars: Core to our program is our series of preparation seminars, recently renamed the "Pacific Offshore Academy." These seminars, together with the US Sailing Safety at Sea seminars, help give our participants the background and orientation they need to address the many challenges of a major ocean crossing.

Knowledgebase: Our many seminars have provided a wealth of articles and materials covering a range of topics from preparation, to safety, to navigation, to provisioning. These are indexed and collected in our Knowledgebase.

Crew List: While many make that person-to-boat connection through friendships, or at our events, others make the connection on our crew list, which invites boats and crew to match up for the race over or the race back. Visit the Crew List here.

Race Entry Materials: Our entries and other transactions are handled on our administration pages. Key documents and links are found on the "Docs" page.

Newsletter and Participant Updates: Our newsletter goes out to over 5000 subscribers with general news about the race and related topics. Race participants receive numerous communications as well, ranging from inviting to haranguing.