Weather and Tactics

Stan Honey’s

See the powerpoint!  We have added Stan's 2016 slides as well.  Updated, but without narration.


 Don’t screw up at the start

 Get to the Synoptic Wind before the glass-off the first night.

 Pick and race to your Ridge Waypoint.

 Carefully deal with Cutoff Lows

 Slot-cars to the shift, ideally on “Ocean DW” angles

 Squalls and Cloud Streets in the trades

 Pick the correct corner on the Run

 Approaching the Finish

Navigation Systems -Video and Article

Ever wonder how a navigator might prepare for a big race like the Pac Cup?  In this navigation systems article, Lew walks us through the tools he might use for crossing the Pacific.  The topics covered include grib files, weather forecast charts, navigation software, instruments and more.   Best of all, Stan Honey contributed to the article his insight on computer routing around the Pacific High.