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December 2023 POA materials
Attached are the materials displayed at the 2023 December Pacific Offshore Academy
Personal Offshore Skills Seminar
On February 27, we held a seminar focused on the skills and tricks an offshore sailor will want to develop and hone for a successful passage.
There were several requests for our slides from the event, and they are attached here!
Doublehanding to Hawaii
Slide collections from POA # 2 (Oct 2017)
It was a great set of presentations.
They're attached here. See also John Jourdane's notes on maintaining sail control in increasing winds, which have been made a KB Article of their own.
Presentations from October 2015 POA
For those who attended, or wished they had attended, the October 2015 Alaska Airlines Pacific Offshore Academy, we enclose the slides used by the presenters.
Whether you're looking to refresh your recollection of a presentation or get some of what you missed, here they are.
Please take time to look for similar topics in our knowledgebase for additional information and perspectives, or pose a question in our forum.
Materials from 2015 POA #1
The first Alaska Airlines Pacific Offshore Academy was held June 15, 2015. With unflagging enthusiasm, our presenters and attendees shared great information discussed common problems and shared in the anticipation of a great passage in 2016.
The topics and materials presented are below:
Boat Optimization
Skip and Jody put on an excellent presentation on optimizing your boat for the Pac Cup! See the slides.
Ask a Vet
We Want to Help!
One of the best things about Pacific Cup is the spirit of Ohana ("family") that pervades our organization. Fellow participants are always eager to lend a hand, or at least offer advice from a comfortable distance!
One Year after Low Speed Chase
There’s nothing in life more absolutely devastating than the loss of a loved one. It creates a sudden vacancy once occupied by a meaningful connection, awakens us to our own mortality, and forces us to evaluate who we are, what we’ve done and where we’re headed. For the family, friends and survivors, the April 14, 2012 Low Speed Chase accident at the Farallones changed our lives forever.