Pac Cup 2024 Medical Seminar

Pac Cup contracts with George Washington University's Maritime Medical Access program to provide a highly skilled medical consult service for all racers. This service has contributed to the survival of several crew in serious danger.

Dr. Adam Rutenberg will present on special medical considerations for ocean voyages, including important supplies to bring and how to use the Maritime Medical Access program effectively during your voyage.

ORR/ORC Roadshow at StFYC

February 21 at 6 pm

Join members of US Sailing’s Offshore team Chris Tutmark and Sydney Hough as they come to the San Francisco Bay Area to meet with sailors and race organizers for the Ratings Roadshow! This is an opportunity to have any questions related to obtaining or using ratings answered.

Green Boating Seminar

It's Easy Bein' Green: Seminar February 12

With all due respect to Kermit, it can be easy being green. Offshore, you are your own eco-system. With some foresight, planning, and attention to detail, you can minimize the negative effect your ocean crossing can have on the ocean itself.

We invite you to think about a few areas where you can have an impact and, importantly, we invite each boat to designate an "Environmental Steward" who can take the lead in these discussions.

Among the areas for attention:

POA #1

POA #1: Preparing your boat for the voyage

December 3rd from 12:30-17:30 

Berkeley Yacht Club

Registration Fee (in person): $25
Registration Fee (remote/Zoom): $15

Our first seminar will focus on logistical aspects of preparing for the Pacific Cup. We have a slate of marine professionals, seasoned racers, and other experts who will present and answer questions on topics such as: