Perpetual Trophies

  • Pacific Cup, for overall first place monohull on corrected time.
  • Fastest Passage Trophy, for the shortest elapsed time without time allowance.
  • New Record Passage, for the fastest passage on record for the Pacific Cup Race. The time to beat is Rio 100: 5 days, 2 hours, 41 minutes and 13 seconds set in 2016 by Manouch Moshayedi.
  • First Hawaiian Yacht to Finish Trophy to the first boat to finish on corrected time, skippered by a full-time resident of Hawaii, and for which the boat is registered and maintained in Hawaii and sails under the burgee of a Hawaiian yacht club.
  • Carl Schumacher Trophy, for the first Schumacher-designed boat to finish on corrected time.
  • Bill Lee “Wizard” Trophy, for the first Lee-designed boat to finish on corrected time.
  • Moore 24 Trophy, for the first Moore 24 to finish on corrected time.
  • Team Trophy, to the three-boat team from the same yacht club with the best total performance based on finishes in their respective divisions.
  • Pacific Cup Navigator’s Award, to the navigator of the division winner who achieves the win judged most skillful in navigation by a poll of division second place navigators.
  • George R. Barrett Memorial Trophy, to an individual, chosen by the PCYC Commodore, who has exhibited outstanding seamanship as well as distinguished service, dedication and enthusiasm for the Pacific Cup Yacht Race.
  • Doug Vann Memorial Trophy, to an individual chosen by Kaneohe Yacht Club who, through enthusiasm and dedication, best exemplifies the spirit of the "Fun Race to Hawaii".

Division Awards

  • For each Division (including the Cruising Division): First, second, and third place boats on corrected time (depending on the number of entries in each division) receive a trophy.
  • For each One-Design Group of three or more boats: First place boats on corrected time (separate from division trophies) receive an award.

"Best" Awards:

  • Latitude 38 Performance Trophy, awarded to the division winner having the widest statistical margin over its competition using methods described on our website.
  • Best PHRF Trophy, awarded to the boat competing in any of the PHRF divisions with the best corrected time of all the boats in those divisions.
  • Bjorn Johnson Best ORR Trophy, awarded to the boat competing in any of the ORR divisions with best corrected time of all the boats competing in those divisions.
  • Passage Nautical Trophy, awarded to the Beneteau boat with the fastest 24 hour passage under sail, without auxiliary power, on corrected time, measured between daily position reports. Both racing and cruising division Beneteau boats are eligible.
  • Best First Passage awarded to a “rookie” boat and crew as defined in the SIs and identified by the RC.
  • Best Prepared Yacht awarded to the boat that demonstrates the best preparation for the race, including implementation of the Pacific Cup Equipment Requirements.
  • Family Trophy awarded to the boat with the best corrected time that has registered for the trophy and where and one (if double-handed) or two or more (if fully-crewed) crew are related to the Skipper as spouse, parent(s), children, grandchildren, sibling, uncle/aunt, or niece/nephew.